* Euromatic panel series consists of control panels of different models.Erensan offers standard solutions for small and medium sized applications with Euromatic panel series
* It provides fast assembly ability designed to be used in large scale applications. Euromatic panels can also be used in a communication network (bus).
* Sequenced boiler control and cascaded boiler controls can be done
* Error messages can be sent to a preset GSM number
Complementary Products
Condensing Steel Economizer,Energy Recovery
* With 12 different models, it’s suitable for boiler capacities in 95-6470 kW range
* It’s a low cost solution to increase boiler efficiency. It has stainless exchanger
* Can be assembled behind both new and operational boilers.
* Increases boiler efficiency by 3-4% depending on return water temperature
IDEA Series Natural Gas Burners
IDEA series is designed in compliance with bread, dye and drying ovens, central heating system boilers, steam generators, hot air generators and hot oil systems from 41 kW to 570 kW.
Design from 800 kW to 2050 kW
TECNOPRESS series burners are designed for all industrial and domestic applications from 160 kW to 2050 kW. With robust bodies,they are highly durable and long lived with Class A gas routes and control panel equipment.
Single-Dual Coil Water Heater
* Capacity between 100 lt-3000 lt (single coil)
* Capacity between 160 lt-3000 lt (Dual coil)
* Hygienic thanks to double layer enamel coating over surfaces contacting water
* 50 mm Polyurethane insulation from 100 lt to 600 lt; special sponge insulation from 800lt to 3000 lt
* Electrostatic dust painted sheath over galvanized sheet from 100 lt to 600 lt; special winlex sheath from 800 lt to 3000 lt
* Cathodic protection
* High efficiency
* Optional electrical resistance
* Aesthetic view
* 10 bar operating pressure
Vertical Expansion Tank with Membran
* Certificated suitability to hygienic use
* Does not need pump resulting in energy saving
* Low operating costs
* Easily assembled and dismantled
* Smaller volume requirement
* Low corrosion risk and long tank life